I have made plenty of Prezis before, but with this particular project I was trying to explore the program. Since the assignment feels a bit more open I felt more freedom to use some new capabilities, like the image effects, adding music, as well as adding video.
It is really difficult to figure out what to include about myself. This is proving to be the most difficult part. I feel like it really hard to describe who I am, beyond the content of my resume. Luckily through Prezi I can utilize images, and as a person who works better through visuals, it is making the whole process make more sense to me. It also forces me to open up to aspects of my personality only my closest friends know about, so its pretty scary.
Prezi also allows me to share with my peers aspects of who I am that maybe they were unaware. prezi may be a great way for students to visually express ideas and thoughts. Within the classroom it may be a very valuable tool.